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  • Catherine Arevalo

Hypertension – Symptoms and Treatment

Hypertension sometimes refers to as High blood pressure is the most common primary diagnosis in most parts of the world. It affects millions of people, especially adults (≥20 years) and is a profound major risk factor for stroke, cardiac infarction, chronic diseases linked to the kidney, or vascular diseases.

What is high blood pressure?

The condition of Hypertension or High blood pressure occurs when your blood pressure increases to alarming levels proving to be extremely unhealthy. Your blood pressure measurement approves and maintains how much blood is passing through your blood vessels and the amount of resistance the blood encounters while the heart is pumping blood.

However, the narrower the arteries are, the higher will be the corresponding blood pressure and blood flow. This is due to the fact that narrow arteries increase resistance. If high blood pressure continues to persist for a longer time, it can cause potential harms, health issues including heart diseases and failure. Many people throughout their lives experience Hypertension and are diagnosed with high blood pressure because it has become quite common. It typically develops and increases over a span of several years. Earlier, you don’t notice mild symptoms. By the time it aggravates. Even without apparent symptoms, high blood pressure causes serious damage to vessels and vital organs. Our brain is the most sensitive to Hypertension, followed by heart, eyes and kidneys.

Usually, we don’t take it into serious account as it starts. But, early detection is highly important. You can check the blood pressure and levels regularly or visit the doctor clock-work. Regular blood pressure readings can help you notice any changes. If your blood pressure shoots, your doctor will check your blood pressure over a few weeks to diagnose if the number stays abnormal or falls back to normal levels.

The treatment for hypertension includes primarily a healthy lifestyle change and henceforth, prescription medication as advised by doctor or an expert. If the condition is left untreated it could escort health issues, including cardiac arrests, and heart stroke.

What are the symptoms of hypertension?

Initially, you may not feel any noticeable abruption. Hypertension is considered to a silent yet harmful condition. Many people won’t experience any symptoms. It may take years or even decades for the condition to reach levels severe enough that symptoms become visible. Even then, these symptoms can also be attributed to other issues.

Symptoms of severe hypertension may include the ones stated here:

chest pain

visual changes

blood in the urine


Shortness of Breath



Nose bleeding

What should I do when one of these symptoms appears?

However, if any such symptom appears, it should be immediately treated with medical monitoring and attention. They don’t occur in everyone but waiting for a long time can make the condition fatal and even more severe. If you are baffling between the symptoms, the best way to discover if you suffer from hypertension is to get a regular monitoring and check-up of blood levels and blood pressure readings. Most doctors prefer to take readings in every appointment. Consult a doctor, talk about the risks involved. You must require help to maintain and watch the pressure readings. More often, if you have a family history of people confronting heart diseases, then it is recommended that you must have your blood pressure checked twice.

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